Chapter 24 – Recollections

Back at Somniel, you can check the Armory shop and the Item shop to purchase something that you will be needed in the upcoming battle.
The Tower of Trials has now new map to try, the Vicious Volcano.

The next chapter will be needing an Advance Class Level 16 or Level 36. No new Paralogues to train but you can still train with your team units in some Skirmishes if your not confident enough to enter the next battle.
You bring variety class of team units with you just make sure you never forget your archer team unit that engage with Emblem Lyn, bring anti-cavalry and anti-dragon, they are useful in the upcoming battle.
Your goal to is to defeat past Alear in just 20 turns. You lose if your Alear is defeated or if you cannot defeat past Alear within the 20 turns. Before the battle begins, past Alear will use an avalanche in the middle row and it will push back your team units, the avalanche will appear in every turn, but it will give you an alert where the avalanche will appear and this will give you and your team units time to move to the safest area.

Avalanche will push you back and this will delay your journey to reach past Alear, remember that you only have 20 turns to defeat past Alear.
Before the next avalanche appear, you will have a two turn, this is your chance to hide behind the rocks to be safe by the avalanche, but the enemies will not be affected by it so watch out where you end your turn.
Leave your formation group the same and start to advance in three rows, each row have different class of enemies, clear all the enemies in each row so that they will not surround you when you reach past Alear position.
Eliminate the archers enemy who are controlling the Ballista, they are threat to your flier team units and also they can attack the middle row, so if you don’t eliminate them first, they will be another work to do while facing past Alear.

One of the archer enemy in the ballista is carrying a Lendabair item, if you defeat him, you will obtain the item.

The other enemy in the middle row is carrying Ukonsavara axe, defeat this enemy to obtain the item.

Once all the enemies on both side are cleared, move all your team units in the middle row and advance with caution to approach past Alear.
When you face past Alear, place your armored team units with full HP in front line since past Alear will start her/his attack with Loadstar Rush and it can kill your team unit with full HP in one hit. Use your archer team unit that engage with emblem Lyn and attack past Alear with Astra Storm.

If attacking past Alear with your other team units are not so useful, use Alear Engage+ with one of your team unit, then attack past Alear with your Engage+ Dragon Blast skill then followed with your team unit that’s been engage with you and attack her again with the same Engage+ Dragon Blast skill to break her Revive stone.

You can also attack past Alear with your team unit that’s been engage with Emblem Leif and use the Quadruple Hit Skill to create a massive damage to past Alear.

If the situation gets difficult, you can sacrifice one of your team unit to face past Alear. Don’t forget that past Alear have two Revive stone so you have to take her down three times to completely defeat him/her.
When past Alear is completely defeated, you will obtain the Boots item, then this chapter will be completed.

A few cutscene will be played and an exploration on the previous battle map, then you can now go to the world map, you can either go back to Somniel or continue the story on Chapter 25 – The Final Guardian

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