Chapter 23 – The Four Hounds

Back in Somniel, activities like Wyvern Ride and Strenght Training have now new difficulty level, you can try them for a new challenge, Expert and Iron Muscle difficulties will be available now in strenght training.
There are two new available Paralogues now in the world map. The Hero King/The Broken Castle and The Connector/Garden of Memories.
The recommended level for the upcoming battle is Advance Level 14 or Level 34, you can now also use all the emblem rings that you reclaim in the previous chapter, if you are not confident enough to enter the
next battle, train up more in some Skirmishes or Paralogues chapters to level up with your team units.
When you enter the battle, an info about Emblem Alear will be shown up.

Emblem Alear can use Engage+ on any ally, putting both units in an engaged state without the need to sync. The sync skill Bond Forger increases the hit rate (hit) and avoid rate (Avo) of the user nearby synced or engaged allies. The engage weapon Lyration increases all adjacent allies’ engage meters by 1 when the wielder initiates combat and defeat a foe. The engage skill Attuned greatly increases engage partners’ stats when they initiate combat and defeat a foe. The engage attack Dragon Blast launches both a sword and a magic attack, dealing heavy damage even to foes with high Def and Res.
Your goal is to defeat Zephia and Griss, once you enter the battle, an info about the Fell Dragon Shard will be shown up.To destroy the Fell Dragon Shard, you must defeat its attendants, Zhepia and Griss.
Zephia and Griss will use the shard’s power to unleash devastating volcanic bombs Volcanic bombs will strike every few turns. The bombs destroy boulders/stone and deal heavy damage to team units hit by them. A warning sign with a purple light will indicate where the bombs will fall, so be cautious and to make sure you are out of the way.

There are some enemies that can cast Freeze, watch out for them since they will use the spell to let your team units stuck in a place where they can possibly get damage by the Volcanic Bomb.
If you have stored an items like Warp, Rewarp and Restore they are useful for your team units that will be stuck in danger radius or use a skill with Emblem Ike to Reposition your ally.

Your group will be divided into two group but later on, you can reunite with your team units in the center of the map since the Volcanic Bomb attack can break the stone or terrain that block your path.
Its up to you if you decide to fight in one group or continue to split into two group to fight the enemies on both sides.
Push towards to the enemy slowly while fighting them, when the Volcanic Bomb threat appear, stay out of its range as possible to avoid massive damage from it. Fighting with multiple different class of enemies
including corrupted Wyrm is not new to you, so fight and defeat them the same strategy you did in the previous chapters. As you continue your path to the northwest part of the map where the Fell Dragon Shard located, Griss and Zephia is also located in that area, they are attending the Fell Dragon Shard.

Check Griss and Zephia attack range, do not to step in it yet to avoid fighting them early, its better to clear all of the corrupted in the map first before you fight them.
Both Griss and Zephia have two Revive Stone, that means you have to take both of them down three times, you can bait Zephia first to your position and make sure that you have your archer team unit that equipped with Emblem Lyn. Attack Zephia with Emblem Lyn Astra Storm to break one of her Revive Stone in one hit.

Use Hortensia Fracture staff to avoid a counter attack from the boss enemies. Focus on defeating one of them first so that it would not be too complicated to take down the other one. You can use your dancer team unit to repeat or get extra turn to completely defeat any one of the boss enemy. When Zephia is completely defeated you will obtain the Georgios sword.

When Griss is also completely defeated, you will obtain a Nova Tome.

These chapter will be completed when both of them are down, a short scene will be played after, then you can make an exploration in the previous battle map then you can return to Somniel for further activities or continue the story in Chapter 24- Recollections.

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