Chapter 16 – Seashore Travels

Somniel exploration, the Fortune-Teller is now open but it is only accessible in the evening, theres nothing much to do here except of telling fortunes about the characters you select.

The next battle will have to recommend you a Advance Class Level, you can upgrade your team units class, by changing class of your units, you can purchase at the item shop, Master Seal and Second Seal are available. Before you start the battle, Rosado and Goldmary will join your group and they will give you an emblem ring, Emblem Eirika and she will be engage with Rosado.

The goal is to defeat Mauvier and Marni, you will bring ten team units with you and Rosado and Goldmary will add up so you will have a total of twelve team units to start the battle.
Before you start your turn, Goldmary will notice about the changing of the tide. When water flows in, some tiles will be stuck with some water and this will make you reduce your Avoidance. You can still make your move through it, just be careful not to end your turn on it. if you have flier team units with you, they will no be affected by it.
There will be a corrupted Wyrm nearby that you must defeat.

If you select Rosado, a turorial about Emblem Eirika’s abilities will be shown up. Emblem Eirika switches with her twin brother, Ephraim, to adapt to different situations. The sync skill Lunar Brace increases damage dealt in proportion to the foe’s defense. The engage weapon Rapier deals bonus damage against cavalry and armored foes. The engage skill Sacred Twins enables the unit to invoke Eirika and Ephraim’s skills simultanuosly. The engage attack Twin Strike hits with both sword and lance, making it easier to break foes, and deals bonus damage against the corrupted.
These abilities will help you strike through the Wyrm’s defenses. The corrupted Wyrm has attacks that will hit you up to four tiles away so your only option is to get close to it.
The water move back in every two turn cycles, when the water subside, it is your turn to move around the map, Flying team units will not be affected by it. Always check enemy weapons to make sure you are charging the right enemy, also always look after the danger radius and check enemies class you plan to charge to make sure you will not be fighting the enemies that have advantage in you.
More enemy will show up in fortress but they will not attack in a large group, just pay attention to the enemies so that you wont be surprise when they suddenly show up. Have some of your team units to guard the back end to defeat enemy that will comes up. On your northwest, there is an open house that highlighted in a yellow tile, if you go there you will obtain  a Recover Staff item.

But before that, there is a corrupted Wyrm nearby, let Rosado and your other team units take care of it. Proceed to your northwest to face Marni. Place your team units near her position to attack her, Marni is just the same as in the previous chapter but now she is carrying Steel Greataxe, you can deal with her by using your anti-armored team unit like princess Ivy to decrease her HP to zero in one turn.

Marni has a survival stone so that means you have to defeat her again twice. You can also use your other team unit like Louis who is engage with Emblem Ike and use a Hammer weapon to decrease Marni HP to zero in one hit.

Once Marni is defeated, she will drop a Master Seal and you will obtain this item.

After defeating Marni, proceed to Mauvier’s area and fight him as fast as possible. Mauvier’s area has no water in it so you can get close to him to attack, he is also same in the previous chapter, but he is now loaded with Steel Greatlance and a Silent Staff. Mauvier also has a Revive Stone so this means you have to defeat him twice, If you have a team unit that loaded with anti-cavalry weapon like Axe, attack him with it to apply Break, Mauvier attack is fatal so make sure you inflict a Break attack so he cannot make a counter-attack. some magic weapon will also be useful to attack him. After defeating Mauvier, you will obtain a Spirit Dust item and the battle ends here.

You can now proceed to world map and return to Somniel or continue the story to Chapter 17 – Serenity in Ruins

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