
Seadall is a Solm Dancer that’s been attacked by corrupted while practicing at the Northern Fortress. Aided by the Ring of the Crux of Faith. He will join your group on chapter 15. He is the only Dancer that will be part of your team units. Seadall’s skill is granting your allies an extra turn which can be helpful on difficult situations.

Base Class: Dancer/Qi Adept

Type of unit: Dancer/Qi Adept

Type of Class that can be change or transition:

Class no.1 – Dancer

Charming performers who can raise an ally’s spirits, allowing the ally to act once more in battle.

If unit uses Dance, grants Dex/Spd/Lck+3 to target for 1 turn.

Recommended Emblems: Emblem LeifEmblem IkeEmblem CorrinEmblem MarthEmblem Lucina,

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