Emblem Roy – World of the Young Lion

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring to be appear is Emblem Roy, He will be unlocked on chapter eight and can be obtain and sync or engage with other characters.
Emblem Roy is also Known as Emblem of Binding. A noble ma who excels as a general, brave and intellegent.

Emblem Roy’s inherited skills, engage weapon, engage skills and engage attacks.

Bond Effects Description Sync Skill
Strength +1 Grants Str +1. Required Bond Level 5.  Inheritable Skill.
Hold Out If unit had 30% HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP. Required Bond Level 5. This effect will not stack if equipped while sync with Emblem Roy. Inheritable Skill.
Strength +2 Grants Str +2. Required Bond Level 5.  Inheritable Skill.
Advance Use to move 1 space toward a foe that is 2 spaces away and attack. Required Bond Level 5. This effect will not stack if equipped while sync with Emblem Roy. Inheritable Skill.
Sword Power 1 Grants Atk+2 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.  Required Bond Level 5. Inheritable Skill.
Sword Power 2 Grants Atk+4 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.  Required Bond Level 7. Inheritable Skill.
Hold Out+ If unit had 20% HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP. Required Bond Level 8. This effect will not stack if equipped while sync with Emblem Roy. Inheritable Skill.
Strength +3 Grants Str +3. Required Bond Level 9.  Inheritable Skill.
Sword Power 3 Grants Atk+6 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword. Required Bond Level 9. Inheritable Skill.
Lancereaver  Unusual sword wielded by Emblem Roy. Grants advantage vs. lances but disadvantage vs. axes. Engage Weapon.
Wyrmslayer Sword wielded by Emblem Roy. Effective: Dragon.  Engage Weapon.
Binding Blade Famous sword wielded by Emblem Roy. Grants Def/Res+5. Can strike close or at range.  Engage Weapon.
Rise Above Grants Lvl +5.  Engage Skill.
Blazing Lion Use to attack adjacent foe and an area 3 spaces wide. Target area and the 2 rows beyond it are set on fire. Sword only.  Engage Attack.
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