Chapter 5 – Retaking the Castle

After departing chapter four, you can now use the World Map, a tutorial will be shown on how to use it. When return to Somniel, you can do the exploration, you will meet a new creature staying inside the shrine. The creature name is Sommie but you can name it anything you like this is the guardian spirit of somniel. You can get bonus from petting, feeding and grooming it,

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You will now have the access to the ring chamber, this will allow you to equip skills and learn to strengthen your bond with your emblem. Before you resume to the battle, you can make preparation by equipping good weapons for your allies. After preparing for the battle, return to the world map and head to Firene Castle. Its the only destination you can go for now.

Your Goal is to defeat Nelucce, and just like the previous chapters, keep Alear alive to win the game, if Alear fall you will lose. Several enemies will be in the battle, keep your units on the same positionThe door will be close but Alfred will tell you that the door can be destroyed or a thief from your unit can open it, but right now you cannot use the thief yet, then a tutorial will be shown on how the thief can open treasure chests. Start attacking the enemies in front of the door, move Celine to attack Elusian Soldier. most of elusian soldiers are armored so I recommend you use Celine and Clanne to attack them.

After the first attack divide you units in both side to attack enemies, approach slowly to avoid getting engulfed with enemies, move forward where the chests located, the breakable wall will be highlighted. A tutorial will be pop up about destroying terrain.
The enemy thief will be taken the items on the chests, block their path and defeat the thief enemies to take the items from them. It is better to defeat Nelucce as fast as you can to win the game, but Nelucce will be surrounded with several enemy so approach him slowly.

You can break the door and wall in two hits. After breaking the wall and door, enemies will approach you and a fight will start, when you get near Nelluce, a tutorial about Revival Stone will be shown, a revival stone will be broken once your enemy health will go down to zero, since Nelucce is carrying one revival stone, you must defeat him twice.

Nelluce is carrying a hand axe weapon and can hit your allies from distance, Alear can go forward for a Break attack, this will prevent Nelucce from Counter-attacking. All your allies can now attack Nelucce safely until you bring him down. this will end the battle.

You will receive a Seraph Robe after defeating Nelucce and 10,000 G to purchase what you need. Continue departing to the World Map and two characters will be approaching you, Calney and Pinet, Calney manage the blacksmith and Pinet manage the clothing shop.

They will be available in Somniel after the short scene. you can now resume to the next chapter or do the exploration in Somniel.


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