
Merrin a one of the knight in Solm and Timera’s retainer. Merrin will met the Divine Dragon at the oasis where she, Timera and Panette fight and defeat the bandits. She will be joining the group on chapter 13. She will be the first Wolf Knight to be part of your team units.

Base Class: Wolf Knight/Cavalry

Type of Unit: Wolf Knight/Cavalry

Type of Class that can be change or transition:

Class no.1 – Wolf Knight

Knights who dart over the battlefield mounted on wolves. Their knife strikes are the ruin of enemy camps.

If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn.

Class no.2 – Thief

Burglars with a talent of picking locks. They are nimble with their hands and deadly with a knife.

Foes do not block this unit’s movement.

Class no.3 – Griffin Knight

Experienced knights who fly through the skies on a griffin. They are well-balanced and can use staves.

Unit’s space and adjacent spaces have a movement cost of 1 for allies.

Recommended Emblems: Emblem RoyEmblem CelicaEmblem CorrinEmblem MacaiahEmblem LynEmblem Byleth.

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