Chapter 21 – The Return

When your back to Somniel, the Item shop and the Armory shop have new stock to purchase, right now is the best time to buy new weapons and useful items since you received more money from the previous chapter.
You can also change your team units class into Advance Class that fits for the next battle.
The recommended level for the upcoming battle is Advance Level 10 or at least Level 30. Check your team units levels if they are fit for the next battle, if not, there is a available Paralogue chapter to train your team units.
Paralogue Chapter is The Caring Princes/Forgotten Shrine, practice with your team units here and upgrade level.
Your goal is to defeat Veyle, you lose the game if Alear is defeated. Zhepia and Griss will also be one of the boss enemy and each one of them is carrying one Revive Stone so you have to take them down twice, while Veyle is carrying two Revive Stone, that means you have to take her down three times, so be cautious and check their position to make sure your weakest team units will not be facing them earlier since there is a lot of corrupted to clear in the map before you fight them.
You will be bringing 12 team units with you and Mauvier will be joining your group so you will have a total of 13 team units to fight in this chapter. Before you begin the battle, choose your strongest team units to bring with you since you will not be able to return to Somniel after winning this battle, you will be bringing the same allies with you in a few more battles.
You will not be able to choose units and purchase items and weapons in market so buy more HP recovery and load with the strongest weapons that you think will be useful for the next battle.
The map in this battle will be surrounded with enemies on both sides, there are also two corrupted Wyrm, and they are place on both sides, you don’t need to attack them yet, just focus on defeating the enemies in front line and in both sides, check corrupted Wyrm danger radius by clicking it, then end your turn outside its range.

The enemies on north part have three corrupted armored axes and two corrupted bow users, keep your fliers team units away from the corrupted bow users range since they are vulnerable from it. Place your magic user’s and one of your strong armored team units in front to defeat the enemies.

Now to strike the corrupted Wyrm, place your team unit that is engage with Emblem Eirika and use the Eirika’s Twin Strike attack to slain a corrupted Wyrm.

Or you can also place a strong team unit like Prince Diamant and use his Tomahawk weapon to take down the corrupted Wyrm in one turn.

Place your armored team unit that is engage with Emblem Ike on the west side of the map, there are several enemies will be coming on that area but there is no spell casters enemy so your armored team unit can handle the enemies in this side of the map. Take down all the enemies on both side then gathered all your team units in front line and defeat the enemies on your path, Zephia and Griss position are still far from your position so clear all the enemies that will come to you before Zephia or Griss will do the attack. When you cleared all the enemies, Griss may start chasing your team units once the enemies on the map in his position are cleared, do not rush to attack him, better wait for him to come to you or if your team units is having an Entrap items, use it to entrap Griss in the center of your team units and take him down twice to completely defeat him.

Once Griss is down, he will drop a Spirit Dust.

Now start to push your archer team unit that is engage with Emblem Lyn and use the engage Astra Storm attack on Zephia, this alone attack can break her Revive Stone.

Zephia then will be aggressive, and then four more fliers enemy will appear from the south, if you have Seadall in your group, use his dance skill to your archer team unit to repeat his/her turn, then attack Zephia again to completely take her down since her counter-attack will be a threat to your team units.

Once Zephia is down, she will also drop a Caladbolg.

Try to clear up the enemies that’s been spread on the map, do not lure Veyle yet in your range for the safest move of your team units. Before facing Veyle in this battle, place all your team units in the Emblem Energy tiles so that your team units can engage with their emblem rings again, now slowly approach Veyle with your team units that completely engage with their emblem rings and do the attack, try to take down Veyle completely in one turn since more enemies will be coming on both sides and the map will be surrounded with corrupted. If you cannot make it in one turn, avoid Veyle’s Loadstar Attack since this will surely the end of your team units if they will be attack by it. Veyle can also attack you using her Thoron and Falchion weapon.

Veyle is a Dragon so use your anti-dragon weapon to attack her. check one of Veyle’s corrupted ally, these enemy is carrying a Carnwenhan and you will obtain it if you defeat these enemy, but you can just ignore it if you think you don’t have enough number of turn to take down Veyle, your priority is to defeat Veyle completely to win the game.

Once Veyle is completely down, the battle will be over even though there are more corrupted left in the map. a few scenes will be played, there are no exploration or returning back to Somniel.
The story will continue to Chapter 22 – The Fell and The Divine.

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