
Fogado is the prince of Solm, he will be joining your group on chapter 12 together with Pandero and Bunet, they will be fighting with you from the start of the battle.

Base Class: Sentinel/Cavalry

Type of unit: Sentinel/Cavalry

Type of Class that can be change or transition:

Class no.1 – Cupido

A charming bow knight who fights with casual flair. Skilled with both bow and sword, he toys with his foe.

When countering, unit may deal extra damage – half of damage taken. Trigger %=Dex.

Class no.2 – Warrior

Skilled experts in annihilating their enemies. they are capable with bows as well as axes.

Unit deals +50% damage against broken foes.

Class no.3 – Sniper

Masters of he bow who target their foes’ weak points with precision strikes.

Grants Crit+10 during combat with a foe that can’t counter.

Recommended EmblemsEmblem SigurdEmblem LynEmblem LeifEmblem MarthEmblem LucinaEmblem Ike, Emblem Corrin.

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