Chapter 26 – The Last Engage

Back at Somniel, you can do the usual activities, and there’s nothing new to do in here, and if you want, you can continue to the final battle. The portal to the final battle are located at the second floor in the balcony of Somniel.

If you are not confident enough to proceed to the final battle, you can go back to the world map to train more and level up with your team units in some incomplete Paralogues and Skirmishes.
Before traveling to the portal, purchase anything that you will be needed and upgrade your weapons, if you can inherit new skills from Emblem Marth, that would be better, you can complete any activities too at Somniel since you wont be able to do any activities after you won the battle and finish the game.
In this battle, there is no recommended level since the enemies you will be facing are not below Advance Level 20 or Level 40. You will be bringing 14 team units with you in this battle, I recommend you bring your best and stronger team units with you. Bring a flier that can heal and use Warp, Fracture or Entrap staff, they will be useful later on the battle. If you have inherited Emblem Marth’s Avoidance, I recommend you to enhanced it.
Your goal is to defeat Fell Sombron, you lose the game if Alear is defeated. The battle may look easy since there’s not much corrupted around Fell Sombron and you can defeat him conveniently even though
he have two Revive stone, the battle will be split into two parts.

Fell Sombron’s only weapon is Obscurite Tome, which is the same weapon as Veyle. Other than that he only fights the same as the normal sage.
Use your Entrap staff to teleport Lord Sombron near your team units. Use another staff to him like Fracture so that when your team units do their attack on him he cannot counter-attack.
Do not use your Emblem attacks yet since the first part of the battle is easy to handle, save all your recovery items or healing staff since your HP will be refresh for the second part of the battle.

After completely defeating Fell Sombron on the first part of the battle, he will transform into Dragon form and he will summons Dark Emblems.

A tutorial will pop-up about on how to defeat Fell Sombron.
A barrier will be built by the Dark Emblems to protect Fell Sombron and to reduces damage. Defeat all the Dark Emblems to weaken the barrier.

Dark Emblems are powerful foes, but they are vulnerable to attacks from your team units that’s been synced or engaged with an Emblem from their world, but you do not need to match the Emblems to defeat them.

Regular units with high level and strong weapons can defeat them easily.
The Dark Emblems will be in four group and they are scattered in the map. More corrupted will be summon by Fell Sombron and they will be position around him. defeat those enemies and stay away from Fell Sombron’s attack range fortunately, his attack is limited and he cannot move or go back and forth for the attack, you will be safe as long as you don’t step on his attack range.
The enemy reinforcement will come regularly, flying enemies will come from the edge of the map and the other will come from the sigil tiles. The Dark emblems will not come to fight you unless you step on their
attack range, unlike the other corrupted, they will come to attack you so watch out for them. Once all the Dark emblems are defeated, Fell sombron’s protection barrier will fall and this is your chance to attack him.

After some turns, Fell Sombron will use Howling Beam on his next turn. Try to stay out of its range to avoid this powerfult attack. The area where his attack landed will be highlighted in a purple. After this Howling Beam attack, the tiles will turn into Miasma. You can remove them by using Emblem Corrin’s Dragon Vein or you can just leave it since its not affecting big area.

Plan your move properly since Fell Sombron have three Revive Stone, that means you have to defeat him three times, and he can use a tail swipe attack that will damage your team units near him.

If you fail to completely defeat Fell Sombron in three turns, he will again summon Dark Emblems to put back his protection barrier, do not be intimidated with the new summons Dark Emblems, instead continue
attacking Fell Sombron until his HP is completely depleted. Once Fell Sombron is completely defeated, you win the game and the battle story ends here.

You will have a summary about your previous battles and a story of the characters after the battle of what they will do as the story conclusion.
You can replay the game with higher difficulty battle.

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