Chapter 11 – Retreat

A scripted scene will be played where all your Emblem Rings and the Draconic Time Crystal will be taken by Veyle.

Then you will start the battle without making any preparations like switching units or purchasing items,
although you didn’t have any preparation, you and your team units health are fully restored, you cant just use your Emblem Rings and the Draconic Time Crystal.
Note: If you have purchase the DLC Rings like Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude and Tiki, you can still use them freely, they will not be included with the stolen emblems.
Your goal is to escape with your team units, if Alear is defeated before escaping you lose the game.
Move all your team units to south, move your high team units armor in front and low armor units behind you. slowly move your team units forward to the exit tile, there are some enemies that are capable of using the emblem’s engage attack against you, but if you give full concentration attacked they will fall quickly, although they can be engage again with another corrupted enemy.
Avoid standing on water tile this will reduce your Avoidance by 30.

You can also hide on the woods, this will grant you extra avoidance.
before reaching the end, a reinforcement will come to join you. Princess Ivy, Kagetsu and Zelkov will be joining you together with the two emblem rings.

Emblem Lyn and Emblem Lucina. Emblem Lyn will be engage with Princess Ivy and Emblem Lucina will automatically engage with you. Emblem Lyn excels at fighting without giving her opponents the chance to counterattack. The sync skill Alacrity enables a unit much faster then a foe to follow up before the foe’s counterattack. Her engage weapon Killer Bow lands critical hits frequently.  Also her engage skill Call Doubles creates illusory decoys of the user that can participate in chain attacks. Her engage Astra Storm unleashes five arrow attacks on a foe from extreme range.

Emblem Lucina’s power is collaborative. she thrives when fighting near her allies. Her sync skill Dual Strike empowers the user to take part in chain attacks regardless of unit type.  Her engage weapon Noble Rapier deals bonus damage to cavalry and armored foes. Her engage skill Bonded Shield creates a high chance of nullifying attacks against adjacent allies. Her engage attack All for One inspires all team units within two spaces to take part in a chain attack, regardless of unit type.

On the other hand, Zelkov will gifted the Draconic Time Crystal.

However, even you get back the draconic time crystal, you can only use it to the time you retrieved it, so if you lose some of your team units before you get back the draconic time crystal, you cannot return to the previous turns where you lose allies.
Continue your fight to south until you reach the escape tile. There is an enemy with green icon on your west side, eliminate this enemy to retrieve a Tomahawk weapon.

Princess Ivy, Kagetsu and Zelkov is very helpful to fight enemies coming from south, one of the enemy standing in the escape tile is carrying a Master Seal, Eliminate this enemy to obtain the item.

Move Alear to stand on the green tile then click Escape to win the game.

Then another scripted scene will be played before you proceed to the next Chapter 12 – The Sentinels.

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