Chapter 14 – The Battle of Solm

When your back to Somniel. the Flea market is now open, it is located in the southeast. you can purchase gifts and other items here, the goods they sell here changes after every battle.

A new set of map will be available now in the Tower of Trials, you can now take a battle on the Desert Dunes in the Tempest Trials.

You can check on Item section, it has a lot more goods to purchase here now like Freeze, Silence and a few more Master and Second Seals. Before entering the battle, you should be at Level 17, if not there are a lot of Skirmishes battle to enter to level up.
Always bring variety team units with you since you will encounter variety enemies also.
Your main goal is to defeat Hortensia, Zepia , Marni and Mauvier. Same as the previous battle you lose if Alear is defeated. You will have 12 team units with you in this battle, bring Archers, Tankers, Healers and Mages in your group.
When the battle begins, you cannot head directly to the main enemies since your pathway is block by trench, you can go as one group in one side or divide your team units and move on each side to get to the main enemies location.

Note: Both sides in northeast and northwest have two chest to open and you will obtain items on it, get some of your team units to open the chest to collect the items.
Take your turn slowly and try to allure the enemies by waiting into the danger radius, if you split your team in both side, bring healer in each group.
there are some enemies coming from southwest and southeast but most of them are just thief and its easy to defeat them. While moving forward to northwest and northeast, be careful
with the enemies you will encounter, they are not that many but they are more stronger than the other enemies you fought on your way.
More enemies will come from northwest and northeast but they are not that many so you can easily defeat them. Once you get near to the chest location, destroy the barrier that blocking
your way to open the chest. The chest in the northwest contains Silver-Spirit Art and a Wyrmslayer.

The chest in the northeast contains Boots and Radiant Bow.

After collecting items in the chest, move slowly to go in the middle where the Boss enemies are located, do not rush in to get inside in the middle of the map since the Four Hounds, Hortensia, Zepia, Marni and Mauvier are strong enemies and they can take your team units down if they are not careful, gather all your team unit in the entrance in the middle of the map and wait. Three flying enemies will come forward from south, defeat them all first before proceeding to the main enemies, there is also an enemy whos is carrying Steel Blade, take him down to obtain the item.

There’s a couple enemy that assisting the four hounds and one of them is carrying a Silver Sword, defeat them to obtain the item.

As you proceed to the main enemies, Hortensia will launch a Fracture to deal a break on one of your team units.

Zepia then will take her turn and use her Thoron to attack to your weakest team unit so make sure that your team with lower HP are not reachable by Zepia’s attack.

Thoron is more powerful version than Elthunder. Zepia is a flying enemy so you can deal with her by using your archer’s team unit like Alcryst, Etie or Fogado.

Marni is considered armored enemy so you can deal with her with your team units with magic skill, but aside from that I defeat Marni with Louis’s engage with emblem Ike and use’s Hammer to defeat her in one hit.

You will obtain a Huricane Axe when you defeat Marni.

As for Mauvier, he’s carrying a Flame Lance and can attack a two tiles away from him, he can also
heal with Physic, you may need two team unit to attack him twice to take him down.

To defeat Hortensia your Archer team units are useful to deal with her, Hortensia is a flier and is carrying
a two revival stone, this means you have to defeat her three times to win the game, first strike to defeat Hortensia’s revival stone will start a tutorial about Rampage.

Foes synced with Dark Emblems may enter a rampage state when they use revival stone. Be careful! Their additional strength comes from forcing the Emblem’s powers out of control.
After the battle, Hortensia will wake up from being controlled of dark emblem and will join your group together with Emblem Byleth, you will also recieved a 40,000 G to spend.
After doing the exploration, you can now proceed to the next Chapter 15 – Dancer in the ruins.

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