Chapter 17 – Serenity of Ruin

Back to Somniel exploration. Always check the item shop, a few Master Seal and Second Seal will be available, it is a good time to purchase and use it to change your team units to advance class.
The recommended level in the upcoming battle is Advance Class Level 3 or your character are in Level 23. If you are not yet in this stage level, there are some Paralogues chapter to be taking to level up your character.
The Azure Twin paralogue is now available, this paralogue chapter is a bit difficult battle so upgrade your team units weapons and choose strong team units to take this battle.
As for the weapons, make sure you bring along a team units that use’s Magic, Archers, Sword’s, Axe’s and Lance’s, also make sure that the six Emblem rings are equipped with your team units that you bring in the battle.
In these chapter, your goal is to defeat six enemy commander, Griss, Marni, Mauvier, Zepia, corrupted Hyacint and fell child/dragon Veyle, all of them have a fatal hit and is carrying Revive Stone, this means you have to defeat all them twice to take them down. and always charge team units that can handle fatal attack when facing enemy commanders.
When your turn start, check enemies danger radius then end your team units turn outside its range. the enemies will then come forward to your team units with doing an attack this include the first enemy commander Griss, after finishing their turn, this will be your chance to attack and clear the enemies that approach you. even though your doing your strike, always end your turn outside danger radius if its possible. Griss turn will rush towards your team units and he will use Celia’s Warp Ragnarok, try to keep your team units that are weak in magic away from his attack so that you have chance to avoid losing team units.

Griss will appear near your team units, attack Griss with your team units that use’s fists to inflict a break, then followed an attack with your other team units until you take him down, remember that you have to defeat him twice since he have a revive stone, after defeating Griss, you will obtain a Bolganone and Fortify staff.


Keep staying out of the danger radius when ending your turn, in these way, you will lure the enemies to you. A corrupted Wyrm will be moving forward to your team units. Attack it with your team unit that engage with Emblem Eirika to take down the corrupted wyrm in one hit. after taking down the Wyrm, it wont be too hard to defeat the other enemy nearby, watch out for the other archer enemy near the Wyrm position, it can take down your flier unit if he can reach it with danger radius, after clearing the area, there’s no enemy will come from southeast so move forward to the map in the southwest but be sure you are still out of danger radius because the first enemy you will encounter is one of the enemy commander Marni.

Marni is equipped with Corrupted Emblem Roy and she will use Blazing Lion to strike a big damage to one of your team units and a few damages with your other team units nearby the attack. she will also set fire on the ground where your team units standing and they will get hurt and decrease their HP when their turn starts. Marni is just same as in the previous battles but remember that you have to defeat her twice to take her down completely. Charge Marni with your anti- armor team units.

After defeating Marni, Mauvier will then charge and he is using Emblem Macaiah magic and can heal others, fighting Mauvier is almost same as the previous battle, he’s attack are not that powerful like Marni and Griss just make sure your armored team units are not reachable by him since he will be using magic for striking. If Mauvier is unreachable with your attack, end your turn and let him attack one of your team units that can endure his attack, and when his turn is done you can do your break attack with him like using fists or axe’s depends on what kind of weapon he is currently using then surround him with your other team units and keep attacking him until he is defeated, take note that you also have to defeat him twice so plan your attack carefully and focus on assaulting him.

After defeating Mauvier and the other enemies, proceed to northwest and and slowly step in danger radius to lure Zephia near you and your team units.
Zephia is equipped with Emblem Sigurd’s ring, she can fix her position after an attack and she can use Levin sword to use a magic damage from a distance and she have the access of Sigurd’s Ridersbane weapon. Keep your cavalry and armored team units away from her, but you can inflict a break attack by charging your team units that use’s lance’s, then your Archer team units are always the right choice to take her down since Zephia is a flier enemy.

Zephia will keep flying over the terrain that your team units are difficult to reach so your long range attack is the best choice to attack her. If you fail to take her down on your first attack, be careful not to get really close to her because she will strike wildly using emblem Sigurd’s attack and she will hit you hardly so make sure that the team units can bear her strike, on your second turn, you can take her down completely just plan your assault carefully. after defeating Zephia, keep moving forward to the danger radius to lure another enemy commander, this time its the Corrupted Hyacinth.
Hyacinth is equipped with Emblem Leif, he can use Master Lance, meaning he can attack twice in a combat and it can lead to a critical damage to your team units. If Hyacinth can get close to your group, he will use Quadruple hit, this can lead to your team units defeat if they are weak or if ever they survive it will inflict a break. Making a break attack with Hyacinth is a bit difficult since he was using emblem Leif. Emblem Leif can change weapons automatically depending on your team units that will attack him. Charge Hyacinth with your team units that loaded with axe’s weapon to inflict a break or if you don’t have a team unit with axe’s, attack him with your armored team units to create big damage over Hyacinth. He is also carrying a revive stone so focus on assaulting him and try to take him down while you have the chance.

After defeating Hyacinth, you will obtain the Flashing Fist Art and you will be facing the final enemy commander Veyle.

Veyle is equipped with Emblem Marth, she has the Obsecurite Tome, it is a powerful dark magic so keep your armored team units away from her attack, she can also use Stiletto for a close combat and use emblem Marth’s Rapier as a dragon child. she also gets additional attack if she uses Loadstar Rush, she can also heal herself when her extra attack makes damage.

Since Veyle is a Dragon child, you can deal with her with your team units that loaded with anti-dragon weapon like Wyrmslayer, or charge her with your team units that uses fists to inflict break then surround her with your other team units and focus on assaulting her and try to take her down twice while you have the chance, if you fail to take her down in your turn, be careful because she can make a wildly attack once she loses her revive stone.

An advance Loadstar Rush attack is difficult to survive even to your most powerful team units. Keep all your cavalry and armored team units away from her grasp for a chance of survival. Once Veyle is defeated, you obtain a Master Seal and you will win the game.

After the short scene, you will have back Emblem Sigurd and Emblem Leif to your group and you can now proceed the story to Chapter 18 – The Cold Voyage.

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