Chapter 18 – The Cold Voyage

Back to Somniel, the Armory shop has now added new stronger weapons that you can purchase for your team units. The available new weapons are Flame Lance, Hurricane Axe, Steel Greataxe, Radiant Bow, Bolganone, and Flashing Fist Art.
At the Item shop, they are now selling unlimited Master Seals and Second Seals, these will allow you to change class of you team units as long as you have enough gold or money to pruchase.
A new paralogues chapter is now available, The Holy Knight and The Sage Lord, the battle in this paralogue chapters are kind of difficult but if you can handle it, you will not have a problem winning the upcoming battle in chapter 18, or if you are not confident enough to take the paralogues chapter, you can train with your team units with some Skirmishes chapters that also available in the world map.
In this battle never forget to bring your flier team units, also bring some allies that can use multiple weapons so that they can handle different class enemy in a combat by switching weapons.
Your goal is to defeat Abyme, you will win the game if you take her down, you lose if Alear is defeated. You will have twelve team units to bring in this battle, just make sure you have flier team units with you.
Before the battle begins, a tutorial about the Flame Cannon will be shown up, is it place in the middle where your position starts. Place one of your team units to handle it but don’t use it yet until the enemies
will come near you, check Flame Cannon range if it can reach enemies then you can use it to create damage, also make sure that your team units will not be affected in Flame Cannon hits, it will give damage to your allies and their HP will decrease.


A new character name Lindon will be shown on the other ship on your east, if Alear, Princess Ivy or Hortensia can get near him, choose the Talk option in the menu to recruit Lindon in your group, otherwise Lindon’s Thoron weapon can give massive damage to your team units so better to recruit him as fast as you can to avoid him taking his turn to hit your group.


Be also aware on both ships on your side, they both have Magic Artillery but do not worry about it since it cant reach your position yet, when your turn starts, charge your flier team units to get rid of the magic
caster that handling the magic artillery, but make sure you end your flier team units far from archer enemies, they are vulnerable with the archers, take your first turn and position all your team units around the danger radius and wait, the enemies will then come near you and you will get your chance to fight and defeat them. When ending your turn, try to stay away from the magic artillery range although you defeat the casters on it, they will have replacement spellcasters. When your turn starts again, make a retreat and let the enemies will come to you instead, they will line up themselves, it is a great chance to use Flame cannon shot towards them.
After the fighting, a Thief will be shown up in northwest and will come near the treasure chest , the thief will then steal the item inside it but you can take it from the thief if you defeat him, the item you will get is Speedwing.

Once the enemies will come to you, the magic artillery will become defenseless, it is your chance to get near the magic artillery and take down the enemy spellcaster, once it is down place an ally in it to avoid another spellcaster to get to it and activate again.
The other enemies in the map will now charge towards you as you are taking the magic artillery. Flying enemies will come from north and south and the other enemies will come from the other parts of the ship in south. If you are able to use the magic artillery, initiate the attack by using it to take the enemy down quickly. when the area in the southeast is clear, have time to proceed over, there’s a treasure chest that contains a Second Seal.

On the east part of the ship, Abyme and a few other enemies will rush forward in the middle of the east ship trying to reach and attack your team units. Abyme is a tough because she is an Advance Class Level 10, and she is loaded with a Tomahawk weapon. Abyme is also carrying a Revive Stone so this means you have to take her down twice to win the game.

Attack Abyme with a break then followed with your best team unit to do the attacks so that you can finish her while you have your turn.

If Abyme is reachable in the range of the magic artillery or flame Cannon, use it to help decrease her HP. Once she is completely defeated, you will win the game. You can do the exploration and to continue the story in Chapter 19 – The Dead Town.

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