Chapter 8 – The Kingdom of Might

Before departing to the world map, do the exploration to get items and adopt animals, Then proceed to the World Map or back to Somniel, a short scripted scene will be played.
If you decided to go back to Somniel first, you can do more exploration there to pick up items, and also to upgrade your weapons at Smithy section.
In this chapter, your goal is to defeat Princess Ivy. if Alear is defeated before Ivy you will lose the game.

You have nine units to bring with you, Prince Diamant and Amber will be joining your group so you will have a total of eleven units. A scripted scene where king Morion will be introduce and Emblem Roy in the scene before the battle begins. Emblem Roy will be assign with prince Diamant. Emblem Roy’s excellent offense and defense make him well-suited to the front lines. The sync skill Hold Out allows a unit to survive most combat with 1 HP. The engage weapon Lancereaver, unlike most swords, is strong against lances and weak against axes. The engage skill Rise Above temporarily raises a unit’s level and stats. The engage attack Blazing Lion strikes several spaces in front of the user and ignites the terrain in flames. Your position will be in north and the enemies will be coming in south, do you first turn, move all your allies forward to south to get close to the enemies, on your second turn, Prince Diamant
will point out the use of the Ballista near you. You can use a ballista by placing a unit equipped with a bow like Alcryst and Etie and select fire to attack.
Ballistae have a great range and power, so you can deal serious damage before enemies get close. However, Ballistae have limited uses so plan your attack carefully.

Enemy units will move to attack the ballistae but they will spend one turn to break the defense, once the defenses are broken, the enemies will start to attack.
Pricess Ivy have two followers, they are not introduced but they can make great damage so be aware of them, Kagetsu and Zelkov.
Kagetsu is a Swordmaster who is carrying a Wo Dao Sword that have critical effect when hit.

And Zelkov is a thief with a Steel Dagger, which can damage when attacked from a distance( Zelkov steel dagger have poison too).

Be cautious when the two take their turn, since they can cause you a big damage so do not ignore them.
Attack kagetsu using your Lance units like Prince Alfred, Louis and Amber, they can cause a break and prevent counter attack from Kagetsu, you can use magic attack to cause a break on Zelkov, but remember the ballistae is still a good turn to attack and weaken the enemies to keep your allies safe.
After defeating enemy units or move closer to you, Princess Ivy will take her turn to advance to your location, this time the ballistae will reach her for fire attack, Princess Ivy is a flying unit and is using magic weapon like fire and also can do physical attacks. She will be using Killer Axe and Master Lance for physical attack, both weapons have high chance of critical damage and Master Lance can do a double attack when she uses it so make sure to avoid this attacks on your units.
Fortunately, she is flying unit and a bows is a useful weapon against her, when she gets close to your position, aim the ballistae to her position and attack.

and in just one hit, you can defeat her, but unfortunately, Princess Ivy is carrying a Revival Stone this means you have to defeat her twice to take her down, but if you have more allies with you, you can take her down with the help of your units.
After winning the battle, you will gain Emblem Leif and 30,000 G. Prince Diamant and Amber will be joining your group and is now giving you the access to Emblem Roy.
More scripted scene will be played before you proceed to the world map and continue to chapter nine A Clash of Forces or back to Somniel to do exploration or to upgrade weapons.

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