Emblem Rings

Emblem Rings

Emblem Corrin – World of the Crux of Fate

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring is Emblem Corrin, She will be unlocked on chapter fifteen and can be obtain and...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Lucina – World of the Princess Exalt

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring is Emblem Lucina, She will be unlocked on chapter ten and can be obtain and syn...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Micaiah – World of the Dawn Maiden

Fire Emblem Engage. The fourth emblem ring to be appear is Emblem Micaiah, She will be unlocked on chapter four and can ...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Ike – World of the Radiant Hero

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring is Emblem Ike, She will be unlocked on chapter thirteen and can be obtain and s...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Byleth – World of the Instructor

Known as Emblem of the Academy. A mercenary who became a teacher.Bond EffectsDescriptionSync SkillLuck +2 Grants Luck +2...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Eirika – World of the Azure Twins

Known as Emblem of the Sacred. A compassionate princess who takes up her sword for the sake of peace.Bond EffectsDescrip...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Lyn – World of the Lady of the Plains

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring is Emblem Lyn, She will be unlocked on chapter ten and can be obtain and sync o...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Roy – World of the Young Lion

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring to be appear is Emblem Roy, He will be unlocked on chapter eight and can be obt...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Leif – World of the Sage Lord

Fire Emblem Engage. The next emblem ring to be appear is Emblem Leif, He will be unlocked on chapter eight and can be ob...
Emblem Rings

Emblem Sigurd – World of the Holy Knight

Fire Emblem Engage. The second emblem ring to appear is Emblem Sigurd, He will be unlocked on chapter two and can be obt...