Chapter 13 – Heroes of the Oasis

Before proceeding to the next chapter, you can decide if you want to go back to somniel to do some exploration and upgrading weapons with your team units or continue to World Map.

If you decided to continue to the world map, a Paralogue The Lady of the Plains will be available, it is located in south of Firene Castle or you can just click the X button to show the locations of the world map and to fast travel. The recommended level for this paralogue is level 19.
Before the battle begins, a short scene will be played where you will meet Timera with her friends Merrin and Panette.

Timera is carrying an emblem ring, the Emblem of Radiance Emblem Ike.

He will be fighting alongside with Timera in this battle. Emblem Ike’s robust offense and endurance increase as he takes damage. The sync skill Resolve increases defense and resistance as HP decreases. The engage weapon Hammer can smash foes and deal bonus damage to armored ones. His engage skill Laguz Friend halves incoming damage but reduces avoid rate (Avo) to zero. The engage attack Great Aether hardens the unit’s defenses for one turn, then attacks an area and recovers HP.

The recommended level is this battle is level 15, if you are lower level than that just make sure you bring the advisable team unit in this battle. Most of the enemy here are flier so bring an archer allies like Alcryst and Etie, bring sword user allies too like Prince Diamant, Bunet and Lapis, they are useful in this battle, but its still up to you which team units you prefer to bring with you, just make sure Alear will not be defeated, you will lose the game if she’s been taking down. The goal is to defeat bandits Techie and Tochie.

Both boss enemy are carrying Revival Stone which means, you have to take them down twice, eliminating one of them will make it easier to defeat the other one, so focus on eliminating one of them first before the other one.

In this battle, the map is dark so its advisable to purchase Torch on item section before entering the battle, Timera and her friends Merrin and Panette will join your group to fight.
There are some junks that blocking shortcuts, destroy it to open the shortcuts, its junk has 20-50 HP, so you have to drain its HP before its fully open.
Before you turn begins, Timera will have a talk with her friends on how to defeat the enemies and to protect the villagers, if you get near the houses, try to visit them to obtain an items, the house near Timera’s group will provide you a Seraph Robe.

The map is dark so make your turn carefully because enemies are hiding in the dark and they can make an ambush if you are not careful. Some thieves will try to attack the houses to prevent you from
getting items, flying enemies from northeast will make their move like turning off the torches, more enemies are scattered around the area but you can just ignore the other enemies if you like since your main goal here is to defeat the bosses. Move forward to southwest where there is a house to visit, you will receive Rescue  obtained  if you approach them.


keep moving forward to southeast where Techie and Tochie location. Move slowly and try not to attrack the enemies, Timera, Merrin and Panette are powerful units, they can take down the enemies in one or two hits, let them stick together while approaching Techie and Tochie position. once you reach the two bosses location, do not rush to attack them since they are stronger than they look, also do not forget that they have a revival stone with them, there is also a mage enemy nearby them, if you eliminate it you will obtain a Elwind Book.

Techie has a Tomahawk weapon that lets him attack two tiles away while Tochie is carrying Brave Axe and can make a double attack in one turn if he initiates combat.
Have your sword users to make a break attack with Tochie and Techie, focus on defeating either Tochie or Techie first to make the battle easier for the other one thats left.
After you win the game you will proceed to the next chapter – The Battle of Solm.

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