Chapter 20 – The Kingless Castle

Back in Somniel, you can do different activities here, like Wyvern Ride, Fishing, or do the Strenght Training. you can also upgrade your team units weapon and change class.
Two extra Paralogues will be available now. The Dawn Maiden/ Frozen Fortress and The Young Lion/The Binding Grounds. These two paralogues are good to train your skills with your team units
for the upcoming battle.
The next battle recommends level of an Advance Class Level 8 or Level 28. If you can handle the battle in the paralogues and skirmishes then that upcoming battle should be fine with you.
The map in the upcoming battle is full of darkness, I recommend you to purchase Torches in the item shop or any other light sources that you can bring with you, equipped Emblem Macaiah with one of your team units. The area in this map is wide and enemies will come from side to side so the light sources you brought are useful in this chapter.
Your goal is to defeat Griss, you lose the game if Alear is defeated.

Griss will immediately teleport on the southeast part of the map and will do his Warp Ragnarok attack from Emblem Celica. He also has Seraphim and Excalibur magic, he can use this to attack your team units, placed your armored team units away from this attack since they are vulnerable from magic attack. Griss can also use Recover but he will most likely not use it since he have two Revive Stone.

If you have the chance to attack him, give your best shot to decrease his HP and to destroy one of his revive stone, this will make him stop moving around the area, then he will return to his protection tile that placed on the northern part of the map. Don’t forget to use Emblem Macaiah’s Shine, or use Torch or any item that can lighten the area so that the enemies will be visible.
The Thieves will take their turn by taking the items in the treasure chests, but you can take it from them if you defeat the enemy thieves. The items that you will obtain from the enemy thieves are, Silver Blade and Rescue Staff from the left treasure chests.

From the right treasure chests, you will obtain Brave Bow and Secret Book.

Griss will then teleport near the Elusian Soldier that has Entrap Staff. Check your team units position, let the weak allies stay far away from the enemy who uses Entrap Staff, once one of your team unit caught by the elusian’s soldier entrap staff, Griss may make his Warp Ragnarok to attack the team units that’s been caught in an entrap staff, so if your weak ally gets to it, they cannot survive it because you will be surrounded with more enemies and they will follow more attacks on you after Griss. Try to use one of your team units as a bait, if possible placed team unit Louis with Emblem Ike, this will get you chance to use Emblem Ike Great Aether to hit a couple of enemy to decrease their HP, this will make easy for your team units to eliminate the enemies. Keep moving forward and eliminate all enemies that you will encounter on your path including the enemy thieves to retrieve the items they took from the treasure chests. If you defeat the High Priest elusian soldier that uses entrap staff, you will obtain the Entrap staff item.

One of the enemy is also carrying an item to obtain, if you defeat the corrupted Wolf Knight that’s been hiding near Griss starting area, you will obtain the Peshkatz.

keep using items to lighten up the map since there re some enemies that hiding in some certain dark area. After clearing all the enemies on both side, regroup all your team units in the middle of the map, put all your high RES team units in the front line to survive from Griss attack. Lure Griss from your position by sniping him with your team unit that equipped with Emblem Lyn, use Astra Storm attack to give him a severely damage, then followed with your other team units, focus on breaking his revive stone until he’s completely defeated.

You will obtain the Excalibur Tome once you defeat Griss.

After a few short scene, you can regain Emblem Celica and you will received 50,000 Gold to spend, after exploration, you can now go back to Somniel for some activities then you can continue the story on Chapter 21 – The Return

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