
Bunet is one of Prince Fogado’s retainers. He will join your group on chapter 12 together with Pandreo and will fight with you at the beginning of the battle.

Base Class: Great Knight/Cavalry

Type of unit: Great Knight/Cavalry

Type of Class that can be change or transition:

Class no.1 – Great Knight

Heavily armored knights clad in thick armor. They defend their allies with a variety of weapons.

If unit is between an ally and a foe, reduces damage to unit by 3 during combat with that foe.

Class no.2 – General

Heavily armored fighters boasting both an impenetrable defense and fearsome offense.

Use to switch places with an adjacent allies.

Class no.3 – Swordmaster

Master sword fighters who avoid attacks by a hair’s breadth and retaliate with mighty skills.

Use to attack an adjacent foe, then move to the space opposite that foe.

Recommended Emblems: Emblem MarthEmblem SigurdEmblem LeifEmblem IkeEmblem RoyEmblem Macaiah.

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