
Panette is one of Princess Timera’s retainers. a warrior for Solm and Padreo’s little sister. She met and join your group in chapter 13. She is the first Berserker warrior to be join your team units. She can be one of your most powerful axe wielder ally.

Base Class: Berserker/ Backup

Type of unit: Berserker/ Backup

Type of Class that can be change or transition:

Class no.1 – Berserker

Mighty warriors of unparalleled strength. They cleave foes in twain with huge axes.

When making a smash attack, push the target 2 spaces instead of 1.

Class no.2 – Warrior

Skilled experts in annihilating their enemies. they are capable with bows as well as axes.

Unit deals +50% damage against broken foes.

Class no.3 – Hero

Accomplished veterans proficient in several weapons and can easily cut through the front lines.

If unit’s HP is at max while unit makes a chain attack, unit attacks twice.

Class no.4 – Paladin

High-ranking knights with a wealth of experience. Highly mobile and strong against magic.

Use to move to the opposite side of an adjacent ally.

Class no.5 – Wolf Knight

Knights who dart over the battlefield mounted on wolves. Their knife strikes are the ruin of enemy camps.

If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn.

 Recommended Emblems: Emblem MarthEmblem LucinaEmblem LynEmblem LeifEmblem EirikaEmblem IkeEmblem SigurdEmblem MacaiahEmblem Roy.

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