
Royal knight of Firene. He arrived at Lythos Castle on the night it was attacked, together with Prince Alfred and his fellow retainer Boucheron. She will be joining your group on chapter 3. She is your first team unit that uses bow.

Base Class: Archer/Covert

Type of unit:  Archer/Covert

Type of Class that can be change or transition:

Class no.1 – Sniper

Masters of he bow who target their foes’ weak points with precision strikes.

Grants Crit+10 during combat with a foe that can’t counter.

Class no.2 – Bow Knight

Bow users that fire from the saddle and outflank foes with high mobility.

If unit initiates combat without moving first, grants Hit+40 during combat.

Recommended Emblems: Emblem Byleth, Emblem Sigurd, Emblem Lyn, Emblem Lucina, Emblem Leif, Emblem Marth.

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